And what did these newly dubbed “Nephites” do in order for Nephi to claim that they lived after the manner of happiness?

  • tried to keep all of the commandments (v10)
  • planted food and raised animals for their future needs (v11)
  • brought the scriptures (v12)
  • prepared for their enemy’s inevitable arrival (v14)
  • learned new skills working with new materials (v15)
  • built a temple (v16)
  • worked hard with their hands so that they weren’t idle (v17)

So does this mean that all the Nephites were happy all the time?

Of course not. 

But when we live after the MANNER of happiness, I believe we give ourselves the best fighting chance to feel that happiness every day. 

What can we learn from this pattern that the Nephites set for us? 

Here are just a few parallels:

  • do our best to keep the commandments
  • prepare for the future the best we can (financially, food storage, wise decisions) 
  • make the scriptures an important part of our lives
  • prepare ourselves before temptations and trials inevitably come
  • learn new skills (professionally, spiritually, personally)
  • make the temple an important part of our lives
  • avoid extensive periods of idleness 

THIS is how we set ourselves up for success! 

We live after the MANNER of happiness – knowing that hard times and sorrow will still be there. 

But making it as easy as possible to feel that happiness each day!

What helps YOU live after the manner of happiness each day? Share by commenting below, or adding your comments to my Instagram post!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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