We’ve got a lot of roles. A lot of labels. A lot of job descriptions, callings, hobbies.

I love being a teacher. I’ve naturally taught my whole life, from piano lessons to formal school lessons. I got my degree in teaching and taught full time.

I love being a woman. There is such a cool sisterhood and friendship associated with being female. I love connecting with other women.

I love being a writer. I find such creative joy in taking the thoughts in my head and putting them into the written word.

I love being a wife. I love that I chose an awesome guy to be my partner, and I’m always so happy when I look at the relationship that we have created and the fun we get to have.

I love being a native Californian and a current Arizonan. There are such rich experiences that my different homes have given me, and the people in each location have molded me into who I am.

I love being a mom. I love getting to just love on two amazing kids. It’s fun to see their good days and their bad days, and help teach them what they’ll need to be good humans.

I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love the friendships that I’ve made and the sense of community it gives me no matter where I move.

But what’s my most important role? More than all of these, as essential as they may be?

“It is to hear Him, to follow Him, to trust Him, and to become an extension of His love.”

In other words, it is to be a disciple of Christ.

That is our most important label. That is our most important job title. That is our most important identity.

To learn how to hear our Heavenly Father.

The people of Amlici worked on calling themselves by a different name than the people of God. They found other labels and associations they would rather be called than being part of the people of God.

So what labels do we have? What labels do we find most important? What labels take up the most of our physical time or our mental energy?

Because the most important one we can work on is to hear our Heavenly Father, follow Him, trust Him, and love as He does.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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