It’s usually unethical to steal plays from the opposition.

There may or may not have been some stories in the news about this recently…

It’s unfair to cheat.

It gives you an advantage that other people don’t have.

But when it comes to the battle with our adversary, we’ve been explicitly told in the scriptures all of the “plays” he will try in order to keep our hearts from turning to God.

We’ve been given the unfair advantage over the opposition!

John reveals one of the biggest tactics the adversary will use in the last days:

“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 13:14) 

He will try to deceive us!

But what does it mean to be deceived?

It means we are convinced to believe something is not true even when it is.

So that means deception will be a significant tool the adversary uses on people who already believe in Jesus Christ.

Think about the truths you know about Jesus Christ.

Think about what Jesus does for you, and how much God loves you.

Has the adversary ever tried to convince you that those things were actually false AFTER you had already received your testimony?

Elder Neil L. Anderson counseled:

“Embrace your sacred memories. Believe them.”

The adversary wants to erode our trust with ourselves.

We had a strong impression that Jesus Christ loves us so so so much?

The adversary wants us to be deceived.

When it comes to the Savior, the adversary has been and always will be working overtime to make us doubt what we already know.

So what’s our play going to be?

How can we go on the offensive, knowing that our opposition is going to try to deceive?

To me, this means that it is always a good time to seek out more spiritual experiences.

I need a steady stream of CURRENT impressions and witnesses so that I can stay grounded in truth.

And with the inside knowledge that I have, I will be guaranteed to come out on top.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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