Life is not black and white.

Growing up, we are taught about the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do.

That’s what I’m teaching my little kids right now.

But somewhere along the way, I realized life is a whole lot messier than that.

Whether or not we serve others, attend the temple, or choose to be a good spouse are crazy complicated questions that have entire spectrums of choices we get to make each day!

Like… there are a lot of options for every single little thing.

In D&C 29:35, the Lord teaches:

“Behold, I gave unto him that he should be an agent unto himself” (meaning Adam).

Agency is the power that we have to become whoever we want to be.

In the million degrees of every aspect of life, we get to choose and work toward where we want to be.

How service-oriented, how kind, how educated, how devoted to a calling, how temple-loving, how patient…

We get to choose.

Not so much in a “big picture” kind of way (because I would totally choose to be awesome at every single one of those and more!)

But in the day-to-day interactions.

How much am I going to push, to get outside my comfort zone, to decide to become a little bit better person instead of staying as who I am?

That’s the real test of agency.

I can only imagine our Heavenly Parents watching us and seeing opportunity after opportunity pass by, and then cheering when we decide to move a step forward that day.

We aren’t going to reach the “best” in every area, or even come close.

But we can decide to use our agency to move that need forward just a tick every single day.

Agency is so important to our Heavenly Father that He allows so many people to use it terribly each and every day.

It is so so so important that we all choose exactly who we want to be.

So who am I choosing to be today? Where are my priorities and my heart?

Do I like the person I’m choosing to be?

Because agency gives me the power to become whoever I’d like to become.

And… I think I’d like to become just like my Savior.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. There’s a lot to think about with this one and all the little choices that we make daily! Thanks for reminding me.

    1. You’re welcome. There are just so many opportunities to use our agency, and I want to use it in the right way so I can become more like my Savior.

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