Have you ever hesitated because it doesn’t seem like the “right time” to bring up a topic?
I think a lot about Ether being prompted to leave his cave and go preach repentance to the king one last time.
Doesn’t it seem a little futile?
Not many people react well to someone walking into their house and calling them to repentance.
And Coriantumr sure didn’t respond well, sending his guard to kill Ether.
Ether was able to escape back to his cave.
But… maybe he spent some time thinking:
“That was pointless.”
But fast-forward a few years and a few brutal wars,and we find Coriantumr on the battle field.
He was forced to watch his friends and loved ones being slaughtered by Shiz’s army.
And all of a sudden:
“When Coriantumr had recovered of his wounds, he began to remember the words which Ether had spoken unto him.” (Ether 15:1)
Coriantumr’s heart wasn’t ready to hear the message when Ether was ready to preach.
But now, on the battlefield, Coriantumr’s heart was ready to listen.
Isn’t it amazing that the Spirit takes care of all the timing?
He can bring to remembrance words and topics that were taught when the listener wasn’t quite ready to learn.
“Faith also includes trust in God’s timing”. – Neal A. Maxwell
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black
2 Responses
This gives me more hope that someday my children, who have fallen away from the gospel, will remember all the things we taught them about Christ and the gospel. I know that the Spirit can bring all things to our remembrance, and I am counting on that!