Saying your prayers might be the biggest thing you can do to keep away from temptations.

Have you ever noticed that often, the commandment to “pray always” is accompanied by the reasoning that we need to conquer the adversary?

Jesus implored the Nephites to:

“. . . pray always, lest ye be tempted by the devil, and ye be led away captive by him.” (3 Nephi 18:15) 

As I’ve gotten better at praying, I’ve noticed that my best prayers are ones that turn into a conversation with God.

They are prayers where I’m sharing my true feelings.

I’m pondering.

I’m even receiving promptings for what to pray for next.

Think about that:

An actual conversation with God.

It’s no wonder that Jesus asks us to pray so often that we end up aligning our wills with Heavenly Father.

When we want exactly what God wants for us in our lives…

Then the devil doesn’t stand a chance!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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