Living the gospel can be fun and simple.

It’s something I preach in almost every post on this account, video I record, and resource that I create.

And I totally stand behind what I say.

Our lives are busy, and I think it’s so important to figure out how to make everything fit.

But also…

This gospel is everything.

It can’t be entirely summed up into little tips and tricks.

It is big.

And heavy.

And important. So, so important.

The Lord taught the Saints in D&C Section 43 the message that they were to solemnly deliver to the whole world. And then in verses 34-35:

“Treasure these things up in your hearts, and let the solemnities of eternity rest upon your minds.

“Be sober. Keep all my commandments.”

We are asked to ponder about the eternities.

To treasure up these eternal truths in our hearts.

To be sober and serious in keeping all of the commandments.

This is real. This is serious.

This “Plan of Salvation” that we draw cute pictures and diagrams of is actually intense and powerful and everything.

And yet… it’s so difficult to find time to just ponder on that.

To sit still and let my mind wander on things of the eternities.

But it is so essential.

It centers me.

I’m reminded WHY I’m doing all this.

Why I’m coming up with the little tips and tricks, the cute sayings, the quick references, the applicable stories.

It’s all so real.

So… maybe let your mind go there right now.

Use this time reading my post as your moment to reflect.

What is this all about? Why are you doing the things that you are doing?

What does God have in store for you?

What will meeting your Savior be like?

How do you want to live your life? Where do you plan on being after you pass on? Who do you hope is there with you?

What will your future, your ETERNAL future, be?

Ponder. Treasure. Let these rest upon your mind.

Perspective. Purpose.

And then move forward with faith.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I love this so much!!! My whole life, my favorite lesson to teach is always about the Plan of Salvation. And yes, I draw cute little pictures, diagrams, and have made fun games with it. But it is so important to remember that it is what this life is all about. Thank you for your many wonderful, though-provoking messages every day!

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