God sent the storm. And God sent the whale.

And Jonah needed both of them.

He needed the storm to humble him.

And he needed the great fish to save him.

“The Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah.” (Jonah 1:17)

And God provides both.

He provides everything that we need to become good, godly, Christlike people.

The calls to go and do good things.

The humbling moments when our pride has gotten in the way.

The mercy to save us in our own self-inflicted trials.

The opportunity to reflect and repent.

The call to again, go and do good things.

The teaching.

The love.

The safety.

He does it all.

He is so good.

Because I need it all, just like Jonah.

That all-encompassing divine teacher who changes my curriculum to be exactly what I need in exactly that moment.

I am grateful for a God who does it all.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Yes indeed Cali. We are so blessed to know that God does it all. His loving mercy and grace is beyond our short and limited human understanding.

    I’m so thankful for this human soul (you). You probably don’t even imagine how God uses you to provide to all of us the insights that we need to receive. I know that this is one of your earthly missions for sure. I have no doubt of this.

    Be Blessed Cali. You and your family.

    Sister O

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