I feel like we use the word “faithful” in two different ways:

First, we often use it to mean “obedient to”. Like, are you being faithful to the commandments you’ve been given?

But ever since President Nelson’s talk “Christ is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains”, I’ve been so hyper-focused on a different interpretation:

Being faithful is being filled with faith.

Filled with faith in Christ, and all the associated peace that comes with it.

The Lord taught : “He that is faithful among you shall not perish” D&C 61:6

Yes, we need to be faithful, obedient, and loyal to the commandments we have been given.

But… are are we keeping a faith-filled heart at the same time?

Are we being faithful to the counsel to read our scriptures each day, while also being filled with faith that our scripture reading will give us the personalized answers we’ve been looking for?

Are we being faithful to the commandment to keep the Sabbath holy, while also being filled with faith that choosing activities that focus us on God and family is the best choice for our time?

Are we being faithful to the covenants we have made with God, while also being filled with faith that as we do so, we will be able to draw on priesthood power in our lives?

So… are we being filled with faith WHILE we are being faithful to His commandments?

I haven’t been able to keep one line from Pres Nelson’s talk out of my mind ever since he gave it:

“The answer to each of your challenges is to increase your faith.”

That statement itself answered a lot of questions I had in my heart.

More faith in Jesus Christ is the answer to everything.

It sounds trite. In fact, I’ve heard that response mocked many of times.

“Oh really? You’re telling me that if I just had more faith, my problem would go away?”

But I have come to believe that a faith-filled heart added to faithful commandment-keeping really is the answer to it all.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I agree with you Cali, everything depends on your FAITH in JESUS CHRIST. When we are in a situation where Satan’s power is strong, we seem to lose faith, but if we know and believe in our Savior, greater the feeling of peace and comfort in our hearts.

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