Jesus being “the Word of God” has honestly not been a meaningful title for me.

Not that I haven’t liked it, I just really haven’t ever thought much about it.

Until recently.

My dad made a fantastic point about this title for Jesus that totally changed everything.

How do you communicate who you are?

How do you share your thoughts and desires and emotions and beliefs?

How do you agree to things and ask for things and express love?

You use your words.

Words help to reveal who you really are as a person.

Words help communicate your purposes and your intent.

Words are really how you function and interact with people.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)

How does God the Father communicate His purpose?

How does God the Father put His plans into existence?

How does God the Father reveal who He really and truly is?

How does God the Father show His love?

God the Father uses His Word.

His Only Begotten Son.

He is the reason we know God.

He is the way that God communicates His desires for us.

Jesus is the WORD of God.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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