I was heading to a job interview and had my outfit all picked out in my head.

I went to my closet to get dressed. . .

And the blouse that I wanted was curled up in a ball on the floor, stinky, wrinkled beyond repair, and unwearable.

Panic set in.

In my mind this was a disaster.

I was nervous enough for the job interview, and now my planned outfit wasn’t going to work out?!

Immediately, I folded my arms and said a quick prayer. ⁣

I asked for comfort to calm my heart, and for me to figure out what to do next.

I looked at my closet, found a new shirt I felt confident about, and I was in my car just a few minutes later. ⁣

As I was driving to the interview, I was praying that I would interview well, that I would get the job if it was His will. . .

And then I laughed a bit. ⁣

Had I really just prayed about what shirt I was wearing?⁣!

This is my favorite thing that I’ve learned about my loving Father in Heaven:

There’s nothing too big AND nothing too small for Him to care about. ⁣

Alma testified, “I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind.” (Alma 36:27)

Every single kind of trouble.

He’ll support us through the heartbreaking tragedies. The big stuff.

But He’ll also support us when we can’t find the shirt we wanted to wear.

He’ll support us when we don’t know how to respond to some contention in our calling.

He’ll support us when we are sad to miss out on something we were excited for.

He’ll support us when we forget something that causes a little inconvenience.

God really will support us through every single kind of trial and trouble that we can have.

We just need to remember to actually turn to Him whenever any sort of trouble sets in.

If it matters to you, it matters to Him.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. This was a perfect message for me today! We were supposed to spend this week with my brother and sister-in-law at their cabin, but the night before we were going to leave, we tested for Covid because we had cold symptoms. My husband and I were both positive for Covid! Not only are we dealign with not feeling well, we are dealing with the disappointment of not having this vacation. We are still hopeful we can go later in the week (if we are better), but the reminder that God will support us when we are sad to miss something we were excited for, was comforting to me!

  2. When I was at BYU, I knew a gal who had a dated a guy a few times and realized that the relationship was not for her. So the next date, she knew she had to break it off, but she knew he would want a kiss. She prayed for help. He showed up with a huge cold sore. He had never had one his whole life! She praised her Heavenly Father for the intervention’

  3. Thank you so very much. I needed today as feeling grateful but scare of my many needs. Your message came in time to give me strength to continue walking and praying for help. Thanks again.

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