“Oh mama, it’ll get so much better when she sleeps through the night.”

“You’ll love it when you can have a conversation with him!”

“Once she starts eating solids, things will be easier.”

“It will be nice when they aren’t all in car seats anymore!”

“Someday they’ll sleep in all day long and you’ll be the one waking them up!”

Motherhood sure bombards you with a lot of comments that embody the idea of “just you wait”.

Waiting for things to get easier.

Other times it’s waiting for things to get harder.

But it’s about something in the future.

I’m waiting for things to get easier.

And I’m waiting for things to get more difficult.

“Just wait til they are a teenager…”

I had a wise friend help me see how damaging all of that thinking can be.

She told me that there’s a little bit hard and a little bit easy about every stage of life and that she plans to enjoy it all.

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose”. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

This is the time of my life where I can’t leave the house for more than 3 hours without having previously pumped milk for my baby.

And this is the time of my life where I get to cuddle the three cutest kids as much as I want.

This is the time of my life where I turn down speaking engagements that require me to travel long distances.

And this is the time of my life where I get to write about the scriptures on my phone while my kids sleep.

This is the time of my life where I can’t serve or volunteer for everything that comes my way.

And this is the time of my life where I get to teach my kids how to pray and laugh at the things they decide to include.

“Life isn’t just to ‘live through.’ We are to experience each moment, enjoy it, and learn from it.” Marty Halversen

Life is always a little bit easy and a little bit hard.

And I’m learning to embrace it all.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. My mom lived to be over 95. She told near the end of her life that she had spent her whole life saying “ I’ll be happy when…….” She had failed to find happiness in the present. What wisdom that has been to me.

    Happiness is not a place in time.
    Happiness is a state of mind.
    For most of us it is a choice.
    Finding joy in the journey is a choice.
    May we all learn to make that choice.

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