To be learned.

To be rich.

To be successful in the eyes of the world.

None of these are bad! In fact, they can be fantastic. Huge blessings and opportunities for growth.

Buuuuut they also start to open the door wider and wider to PRIDE.

When we are smart, we know the answers to many things and build authority. We are given accolades or offered jobs based off of our knowledge and experience, thus elevating ourselves above others.

The same thing can happen with riches and fame.

It becomes a lot harder to feel that desperate reliance on the Lord, because it seems like we are actually doing pretty well for ourselves on our own.

You start to forget where those blessings came from – the opportunities to learn, to make a living, to provide positive influence.

And who the source of all knowledge, wealth, and power truly is.

And that’s why we see the famous caveat:

IF they hearken unto the counsels of God.

I LOVE learning. It’s a trait I’ve had my whole life, and has led me to be an educator in many different areas.

So for me, I have to be careful. Is my education and success something that draws me closer to my Father in Heaven?

Or do they elevate me above the people around me, resulting in pride and separation from my dependence on God?

Education, riches, and fame may or may not be your sources of pride right now. But what is it? What is that source of separation from God?

It can still be a good thing in your life! Just add the caveat: IF I hearken unto the counsel of God.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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