To entice: to attract or tempt (Oxford Dictionary)

I know, it’s cliche to start off with a dictionary definition, but I was really intrigued by the word “tempt” in the definition for “entice”.

The Holy Ghost tempting me?! No way. Wrong application and usage.

But then I realized – that’s actually a perfect word for what the Holy Spirit does. It sounds weird. But I think it fits.

He “tempts” us to do good.

He encourages us to choose the right. He helps make good decisions seem like the right one. He offers these “tempting” thoughts to us, and we can choose to listen and follow, or ignore.

Fascinating, right?!

The exact opposite of what Satan does.

Can you think of a time you’ve been tempted to do something good this past week? What were you enticed to do? Did you follow through?

Just like giving into Satan’s wicked temptations over and over changes our desire and makes it easier to commit sin over and over…

Yielding to the enticings of the Holy Spirit over and over changes our desires and makes it easier to become more Christlike each day.

We’re in mortal bodies. We are “natural” men and women.

And we decide which temptations and enticings to yield our spirits to each day.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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