Our power went out last week when it was nighttime.

I was weirdly shocked by just how dark it was.

Outside, inside…

Everything just seemed eerily quiet and dark.

We turned on the flashlights from our phones and were surprised at how well we could see with just this small light source.

And then, finally, the power came back on.

From a scientific standpoint…

Darkness isn’t real.

There are varying degrees of light or an absence of light.

But there is no darkness.

And light cannot be hidden in darkness.

There is no such thing as “too much darkness that drowns out a light.”

What a powerful metaphorical reminder about our most powerful and only essential light source, our Savior Jesus Christ.

”Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who created the heavens and the earth, a light which cannot be hid in darkness.” (D&C 14:9)

There will never be “too much darkness” in the world for Him to overcome.

And when we try to shine as much of Christ’s light out to others as we can, we can be sure that we are making a difference.

We may envision ourselves being a bright sun, sharing light with so many around us.

But most often I feel like a little cell phone flashlight in a giant, dark house.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that though.

Because I don’t think that Christ would say that is “not enough light.”

Any amount of light will conquer any amount of darkness.

Anywhere that there is an absence of Christ…

Then any amount of His presence makes all the difference.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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