How could the Israelites NOT look to the serpent of brass on the pole?⁣!

It’s a question we’ve all asked.

While I think pride is absolutely a big factor, Alma tells Helaman about one big sin to look out for:⁣

“. . . do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way.” (Alma 37:46)

Saying my prayers every day should be something pretty easy. ⁣

It’s just a few minutes in the morning, a few minutes at night, and all I need to do is turn my attention to God for a bit. ⁣

That sounds so simple!⁣

And yet, those slothful temptations seem to pile on. ⁣

”I’m too tired right now – I’ll do it later.”⁣

“I can’t focus right now.”⁣

“It’s not that big of a deal to skip it tonight.”⁣

And slowly, I’ve built up an arsenal of excuses for not doing the most simple thing I can do–

A task that involves zero supplies and only my mind communing with God for a few short minutes. ⁣

When it is so easy to do something that will build up our testimony, strengthen our connection with God, bring our families closer together…

Then it is also really easy to not do it. ⁣

So I think it’s good to reflect.

What slothful excuses are keeping me from doing the simple things right now?

And when I start to break down that wall of excuses, I realize yet again how simple it is to connect with heaven.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Thank you Cali for this simple but powerful advise that’s given by Alma to Helaman.
    I’m guilty of being slothful all the time.

    I’m glad I signed up to receive ur CFM weekly.

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