Let’s set the stage here:

There were two different groups of people.

Both oppressed by the Lamanites.

Both wanting to escape to Zarahemla.

The first group, led by Limhi, thought about how they were going to escape.

They brainstormed ideas, listened to Gideon, and came up with a plan.

Their result?

Limhi’s men gave strong wine to the Lamanite guards and escaped while they were in a drunken sleep.

It worked!

The second group was led by Alma.

They prayed for a long time for relief, and finally got an answer:

“Thou shalt go before this people, and I will go with thee and deliver this people out of bondage.” (Mosiah 24:17)

Not knowing exactly what was going to happen, the people packed their belongings and waited with faith.

Miraculously, the Lamanite guards were in a deep sleep, and everyone escaped!

The Lord answers the prayers of His people.

But He answers them in different ways, in different situations, and in different times.

While Limhi had to come up with ideas, talk with others, and execute the plan…

Alma and his people were just waiting in faith, acting on directions they didn’t quite understand yet.

But guess what was the same with both groups?

The result!

They both were freed from bondage because they relied on the Lord.

“Every one of our paths is different.” – Reyna Aburto

No matter the path the Lord takes, He will provide a way to make miracles happen.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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