Have you ever gotten a specific, heavenly prompting to do something that wasn’t even on your radar?

I was recently thinking about a time when I was NOT looking for a new job – but I WAS looking for some more fulfillment in my life.

A random job opportunity popped up, and I browsed through the application info out of curiosity.

And then I knew.

I knew I needed to fill out that application.

And, to be honest, I knew deep down that I would ultimately get the job.

I applied, I got the job, and it changed the trajectory of my life.

But I had just been praying for a more fulfilled feeling with the things that were on my plate.

And yet, my God knew that I needed something different, and He was prepared to tell me exactly what that was.

The Brother of Jared had been praying for his family and friends to be spared from having their languages confounded.

Which led their large group on a journey across a wilderness and many smaller waters, ultimately bringing them to a seashore.

And then the Lord told the Brother of Jared, “Go to work and build… barges”, and he was given specific “instructions of the Lord”. (Ether 2:16)

The Brother of Jared just wanted protection and freedom for his family and friends.

And the Lord was ready to step in and give him the specific promptings and directions to build barges in order to lead them to a better future.

We obviously can’t control when these types of unexpected but specific answers come, but we can be prepared.

The Brother of Jared had great faith and called upon the name of God.

He was prepared for any kind of answer that he would receive.

He didn’t reason it away, check with his brother to see if he thought it was a good idea, wait a few weeks until it fit into his schedule a little better…

He and his brethren just went to work.

So are we ready to go when the prompting comes?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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