I was in a waiting room for a doctor the other day.


Long past my scheduled appointment time.

Shouldn’t they call me back soon?

This is so frustrating when I have people watching my kids and it takes longer than expected.

As my patience drained, my good attitude and Christlike heart drained with it.

So there I was, sitting in a crowded waiting room, annoyed and frustrated.

And still waiting.

Isn’t that the real problem with having to wait?

It’s because some thing is supposed to be happening that isn’t happening yet.

Waiting for a job interviewer to call me back. Waiting to get over a sickness. Waiting for my husband to get home from work. Waiting at school pickup. Waiting for blessings in a bad situation.

Waiting can be so so so draining.

But then I think on other times in my life when waiting has been beautiful.

Waiting for a new baby to arrive. Waiting for a trip with my family. Waiting for a treat to finish cooking. Waiting for guidance from the Lord. Waiting for an answer to prayers. Waiting for a session in the temple to begin.

Beautiful waiting and draining waiting have one big difference:

Trusting in God’s timing.

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”. (Isaiah 40:31)

When I wait while turned toward the Lord, no matter how serious or trivial my waiting may be, I draw spiritual strength.

I have my energy constantly renewed.

I feel invigorated in my waiting because I completely trust that things will happen when God intends them to happen.

There’s a lot of waiting in this mortal life.

But waiting for and with the Lord makes all the difference.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. This couldn’t have come at a better time! I just found out that I may have uterine cancer and am waiting on more testing to figure out what is happening. I’m anxious but know that the Lord is in control and I’m along for the ride. I trust in Him and whatever happens, I trust in Him.

    1. Oh, I am so sorry to hear that! It takes a lot of faith and strength to trust in Him during our trials, but I know He will bless you for doing so! Sending love and prayers your way <3

  2. Thank you for this comparison of spiritual waiting and waiting, waiting. We live such hurried lives from day to day. It is frustrating to have to wait, especially when you are in time for an appointment. I needed this thought to rethink my thoughts on this matter.

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