“Won’t everyone just repent once they get to heaven and see that there really is a loving Heavenly Father and Savior?”

I’ve thought this for a long time.

I mean, It’s hard to believe that everyone won’t immediately want to repent after we all die.

There have been a lot of theories as to how exactly things will play out in the next life.

But Jacob reminds us in his sermon that “. . . they who are righteous shall be righteous still, and they who are filthy shall be filthy still.” (2 Nephi 9:16)

In other words, circumstances won’t magically change our hearts.

How many times have I fallen for that trap, though?⁣

I’ve thought, “I’ll be better at reading my scriptures once it’s fall break.⁣”

“I’ll be a better ministering sister once I’ve got my life under control.⁣”

“I’ll attend the temple more once my kids are older.⁣”

Now to be clear, there certainly are “seasons of life” where some things will be easier for us than others.

I’m in a ridiculously busy phase of life where I am constantly needed by lots of (mostly little) people.

But I had the spiritual impression recently that maybe I’ve been relying on that crutch a little bit more than I truly need to.

Because when we are always waiting for the proverbial grass to be greener to change our habits…

We miss out on having a mighty change of heart and the sacred personal growth that comes with it.⁣

So what have we been putting off?

What can we tackle today to align our wills even more closely with God’s?⁣

Let’s make some little changes today, and the next day, and the next!

That way, when we meet our Maker, we will present Him with a pure heart that is still ready to change for the better.

“We may not yet be where we hope and wish to be in the future…. In the meantime, we live now, not waiting for life to begin.” – Gerrit W. Gong

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to write these little snippets. I love them and they often are just what I need to hear. Tonight I was crying to my husband about how life was so overwhelming. And then I read this. It touched exactly on my current stresses. Thank you.

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