I feel like we always forget this part of Lehi’s dream:

Lehi started by traveling through darkness for several hours.⁠

Several hours of darkness.

Can you imagine how that felt?

Actually, maybe you can imagine what it is like to feel darkness and emptiness for an extended time.

But Lehi wasn’t just randomly in the darkness.

He knew he was supposed to be there!

He had followed an angel in a white robe to this very spot.

Can you imagine how confusing that might have felt?

Actually, maybe you know what it is like to follow a prompting and feel like the heavens are closed despite your obedience.

So what did Lehi do at this point?

Honestly, pause for a moment and think about what you would do.

Led by an angel and then seemingly abandoned in the darkness for hours.

What would you do next?

Here’s what Lehi did:

“And after I had traveled for the space of many hours in darkness, I began to pray unto the Lord that he would have mercy on me, according to the multitude of his tender mercies.” (1 Nephi 8:8)

Lehi prayed!

Lehi prayed that the Lord would have mercy on him.

No frustration.

No complaining.

No accusations.

Just pure humility from Lehi.

“To be humble is to recognize gratefully our dependence on the Lord.” – Gospel Topics, “Humility”

I have learned that asking for mercy from God is not as easy as it may sound.

Asking for mercy, pleading for mercy, shows an ultimate understanding of our true relationship with God.

It embodies the abandonment of all entitlement.

We all wander dark, empty areas.

Some of us for longer than others.

And for some of us, it was righteousness and promptings that brought us to the darkness.

But will we stay humble in the darkness?

If we continue to plead for mercy and recognize our dependence on God even in the darkness, then a beautiful experience of enlightenment may be just around the corner.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. It is so interesting that this was in my inbox tonight because this is the exact concept I was thinking about this morning in my study. I currently find myself in this period of darkness after following an impression of the Lord. It has been very uncomfortable!! I am grateful for this reminder today!

  2. I think Lehi was very much like Abraham and knew he had treated his wife and children badly in some ways.
    I am grateful for the plan of salvation and the example of those who have gone before that prayer works!

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