Warren Cowdery realized his congregation needed some… help.

They were well-meaning saints who gathered together weekly and had copies of the Book of Mormon, but Warren recognized that his congregation needed someone with some greater priesthood authority and direction to assist them in Freedom, New York.

He wrote a letter to his brother Oliver’s good friend Joseph Smith asking for him to send someone with greater priesthood authority out to visit their branch.

I imagine Warren was excited to get someone to lead them.

Wouldn’t it be so nice to have someone step up and take charge?

Someone who actually knew what they were doing?

Warren had been familiar with the church since his brother had first met up with Joseph a few years earlier.

But Warren himself had only been converted and baptized for less than a year.

Finally, Joseph wrote a letter back to Warren!

“It is my will that my servant Warren A. Cowdery should be appointed and ordained a presiding high priest over my church, in the land of Freedom and the regions round about;” D&C 106:1

Wait, what?

Doesn’t Warren’s story sound familiar?

Sometimes we see the need.

It is so glaringly obvious.

Someone needs to step up and do something about that.

And then…

We are the ones called to fill that position.

Or, we realize on our own that WE could be the one to step up and be the solution.

It’s a lot easier to notice what’s wrong and wait for someone else to solve the problems we see.

“If only someone would fix that bulletin board!”

“If only someone would help that lady!”

“If only someone would start a fun hangout group!”

“If only someone would start advocating for that cause more!”

But what if… we were the person we were waiting for?

We can see a need, and we can be the one to step up.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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