Let’s talk “Abrahamic covenant”.

I used to picture the Abrahamic covenant as some promise God made with Abraham a long long time ago.

And that’s it.

I know I’ve been told to study it and learn about it, but in my mind it was only to learn about history.

Here’s the cool realization I made, though!

Abraham’s covenant is not about him.

Yes, he’s the one being blessed, but what is the blessing all about?

Let’s see what we learn in Genesis 26:3-4, which is where the Abrahamic covenant is being extended now to his son, Isaac:

“I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries… And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.”

This blessing is about YOU! It is about ME!

We are the ones being blessed, across countries, and without number.

When we live a righteous and faith-filled life, we are being part of this covenant and we are being blessed.

And then we, in turn, become the ones who reach out and bless other people’s lives as we emulate Christ and share what we know.

This isn’t just a history lesson; we are the ones fulfilling the covenant!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I have always known that in these last days we are to fulfill the covenant with Abraham. We are the ones to help spread the Gospel. That is why we were given this time. I was trying to get in the Air Force but did not weigh enough, so I tried the Army in which I was in the top of my class as a combat medic. Then the Air Force wanted me. I was made a National Registered EMT and traveled all over the world as the assistant to the Flight Surgeon. I was able to introduce the Gospel to many people. We are blessed.

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