Speaking of hymn book revamping…

This hymn didn’t make the cut for our current green 1985 hymn book, but it’s been in older versions.

In fact, the Tabernacle Choir has sung an arrangement of this hymn that is super fun— you should give it a listen.

But I love the message, and I’ve just got a simple thought for you today on this busy weekend.

First, take a minute to read through these inspiring lyrics:

If the way be full of trial, weary not!⁣

If it’s one of sore denial, weary not!⁣

If it now be one of weeping⁣

There will come a joyous greeting⁣

When the harvest we are reaping, weary not!⁣

If the way be one of sorrow, weary not!⁣

Happier will be the morrow, weary not!⁣

Here we suffer tribulation⁣

Here we must endure temptation⁣

But there’ll come a great salvation, weary not!⁣

If misfortune overtake us, weary not!⁣

Jesus never will forsake us, weary not!⁣

He will leave us never, never⁣

From his love there’s naught can sever⁣

Glory to the Lamb forever, weary not!⁣

Do not weary by the way!⁣

Whatever be thy lot. ⁣

There awaits a brighter day⁣

To all, to all who weary not!⁣

– William H. Flaville⁣

I bet we could all write our own verses to this song. ⁣

“I just really need a nap, weary not!”⁣

“My child keeps struggling, weary not!”⁣

“It’s a Monday morning, weary not!”⁣

“I have to interact with this person again, weary not!”⁣

Life is hard.

And we do our best to weary not.

Jesus never will forsake us.

Weary not!

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not”. (Galatians 6:9)

What would your custom verse be?

P.S. What an amazing General Conference weekend, right?!



4 Responses

  1. I love this hymn! It is in the Spanish hymn book and I keep wondering why it isn’t in the English version. I surely hope it makes it to the new hymn book. I play it a lot on those “weary” days.

  2. You have no idea how badly I needed this message. Thank you so much. It came at exactly the right time.

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