Phrases that you surprisingly do NOT hear very often:

“Really? I’m supposed to read the Book of Mormon AGAIN?!”

“Another lesson about faith?! We talked about this a few months ago!”

“Eh, I’ve already been to the temple. I’ve heard it all before.”


This gospel is ALL about REPETITION. 

Thank goodness. 

We have become accustomed to it. We expect it. 

In the “Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith,” we learn that Moroni visited young Joseph three times in the middle of the night and then once more after he fainted in the field by his father. 

Each time, Moroni said the same thing to Joseph Smith. 

BUT Joseph Smith also noted some small differences in Moroni’s messages to him. 

He was informed of great calamities to come on the 2nd visit. Moroni added a caution on the 3rd visit. Moroni commanded he talk to his father on the 4th visit. 

WHAT IF Moroni actually said the same thing to Joseph Smith all 4 times? And it took 4 repetitions before young Joseph finally was able to capture enough information to do what he needed to do?  

WHAT IF this is the power of repetition? That our earthly minds are so imperfect, that we NEED the repetition in order to get what we actually needed all along?

I challenge you to ponder this week about why we repeat so many things in this church.

Why are we asked to attend the temple over and over? Why do we read the same scriptures? Why are General Conference talks given on the same subjects year after year?

How has YOUR life been blessed from being exposed to the same things over and over again?

Let’s embrace the repetitiveness of the gospel and use our growing spiritual maturity to capture the new messages our souls crave! 

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I need repetition because some weaknesses of mine take a while, even years to overcome and some I may have the rest of my life. Getting encouragement from scriptures and latter day prophets gives me the courage to keep trying. Repetition reinforces the importance of gospel principles. I also think it helps you stay closer to the Spirit.

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