“Je m’appelle Cali!”

I took 3 years of French in high school.

And that’s about the gist of what I remember.

The “gift of tongues” has always seemed like a cool gift to me.

What if you could learn a new language right away?!

But I’ve studied a lot about spiritual gifts recently.

And have you ever realized what gift is ALWAYS listed with the spiritual gift of tongues?

“. . . to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues.” (1 Corinthians 12:10)

Speaking with tongues and interpreting tongues always go together.

Why would this be?

Because often they need to work together!

And what I’ve learned is this:

The purpose of spiritual gifts is not just to easily speak a new language because it would be cool.

Spiritual gifts are all about working together and EDIFYING each other!

There is no point in a missionary miraculously knowing how to teach a lesson after just arriving in a new country just for fun…

There needs to be a spiritual reason why.

And this goes for all gifts!

We aren’t great listeners, huggers, teachers, leaders, readers, chatters, feelers, ministers, organizers just for fun.

We are given these gifts in order to edify someone!

What a beautiful, circular relationship Heavenly Father has allowed us to create through His gifts.

We help others when they are ready to receive.

And we can be ready to receive blessings at the hand of others’ gifts.

How can you edify someone with your spiritual gifts today?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I have experienced the gift of tongues. It’s not like you suddenly master a foreign language snd keep that. It’s more like the Spirit talking through you, sharing a message in a foreign language, or the language of the person receiving the message. You know what you are saying, but the words don’t come from your own knowledge.

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