What are you seeking for right now?
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think anyone would ever turn down the opportunity for some more money.
But what type of “riches” are we actively SEEKING right now?
For me, sometimes I am seeking acceptance. Recognition. Purpose. Appreciation. Promotion. Peace. Friendship.
And I think that Jacob’s wise counsel to the Nephites in the temple can apply just as much to money as it can to any other thing we seek for.
When we seek the Kingdom of God first, everything else falls into place as it should.
It doesn’t mean that I’ll get what I was originally seeking.
Being righteous and Christlike doesn’t mean we will be rich in the monetary sense. And it doesn’t necessarily mean we will be rich in friendships, recognition, or appreciation.
But when we seek for Christ first, we gain confidence before God that allows our perspective to broaden and our priorities to change.
When we seek for Christ first, anything else we gain is for him.
And conversely, it is completely possible to get the things we seek for WITHOUT seeking for Christ first.
There are many people with an abundance of riches, friendships, appreciation, and purpose who do not seek to build up the Kingdom of God as their top priority. And they may continue to get richer and richer.
Sometimes it is so easy to tie our spiritual successes with our worldly successes.
We can have Christ as our top priority and lose a job.
We can have Christ as our top priority and lose friendships.
We can have Christ as our top priority and have no recognition for the good things we do.
So, at the end of the day, what matters? Or what do we have to have FAITH in that matters?
Christ. The Kingdom of God.
If we build a Christlike life, it doesn’t matter what we have or don’t have, what may come or go… But it does matter that we have our priorities straight.
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black