Keep the commandments, and we will prosper in the land, right?

Here’s the golden question though:

What does it mean to “prosper”?

I tend to get a very specific picture in my mind:

An easy and happy life, money isn’t an issue…

But that would mean all righteous Latter-day Saints should be rich with easy lives, right?

I could point to tons of examples of real-life, church history, and scriptural figures who prove that theory wrong.

(Although do I think we subconsciously judge our own or others’ righteousness based off material possessions/jobs/education? Yes, but that’s a topic for another post)

So if God keeps His promises, how are people prospering?

Let’s look at Joseph of Egypt.

After being almost murdered by his brothers, sold into slavery, and traded to Potiphar…

“The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man”. (Genesis 39:2)

And then after being falsely accused of a terrible sin and being thrown into prison by someone who had grown to trust him…

“The Lord was with him, and that which he did, the Lord made it to prosper.” (Genesis 39:23)

I have found that when I am the most righteous, most devoted, most spiritual and in-tune with God version of myself, I am prosperous in lots of things.

Prosperous in inner peace.

Prosperous in love for myself and others.

Prosperous in joy despite my circumstances.

Prosperous in worshipping.

Prosperous in clarity.

Prosperous in blessings that aren’t tangible.

I fully believe that we are blessed to prosper when we keep our hearts pointed toward God continuously.

But just like Joseph of old, I believe that we prosper in all the inner ways that truly matter most.

How do you feel that you are blessed to prosper?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I feel blessed to prosper in that I no longer stress about who has what nor do I worry about where I fall in this heirarchy. I have been reassured through my time with my Father that those are not the things that are important, but the things that matter are only the things that can fit in my coffin when I leave this earth. That may sound morbid, but I am a realist. I lost my first husband when I was 35 and he was 36. It tends to color the way you view things. You realize that relationships are so much more important than things. Experiences with your family are more important than expensive presents. Which political party is “right” is not nearly as important as keeping our covenants and doing what we KNOW our Father want us to do. Focus on the here and now, while preparing for the future.

    1. You have a great perspective, even though the path that led to it was hard! Thank you so much for sharing! <3

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