Do you think you could live the Law of Consecration?

Okay that was kind of a trick question.

In conversations I’ve had with other people, I’ve learned that there are some

BIG misconceptions about the Law of Consecration.

The Law of Consecration is in full effect today for those who have made sacred covenants inside of the temple.

Just as much as it was in the 1830s, and just as much as it was after Christ’s resurrection.

Have the applications looked different at various points in time?


In Acts 2:44, we learn of one application:

“And all that believed were together, and had all things common”.

The people Peter taught and baptized were moved with love to share many things in common with each other.

Everyone was given what they needed out of love and compassion. ⁣

So how are you doing with living the Law of Consecration right now?

I think this is a place where we all have room for improvement. ⁣

We may not fulfill it in the same way Peter did.

But are we intentionally sharing and consecrating the things we ARE able to share?

Do we volunteer our time through callings or assignments, even when they get tough or boring?

Do we show up to church or other activities in order to share our light and help others feel love?

Do we give of our abundance in money or food to those who have less? ⁣

These are great questions to ponder!

But I think the root of all these questions comes down to our motivation. ⁣

Is it out of LOVE?⁣

Are we bitter about that money in our tithing check, or do we rejoice with gratitude and love?⁣

The Law of Consecration is one of those things that doesn’t work too well if our motivation is “fear” or “obligation”.

We’ve gotta be willing.

It’s honestly difficult to sacrifice in this materialistic and selfish world.

And I’ve found that the only lasting personal change of heart will come from LOVE. ⁣

I want to practice building so much compassion and love for others, that the Law of Consecration becomes a natural joy!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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