Try to ignore any historical context you may know from this verse, and read Joseph’s thoughts with your current perspective.

My husband and I went on a little vacation this past week.

One day, we hadn’t been on our phones very much, and had a fantastic fun-filled day together. And then we opened up our phones in the evening.

And I immediately had to close social media.

I’ve always thought that people posting their opinions on social media didn’t affect me that much.

But in that moment, I felt such a stark contrast.

I had been living in the moment all day. Connecting. Experiencing. Relaxing. Having fun. Meaningful conversations.

And then to open my phone and see the “war of words and tumult of opinions”?

It was too much for me.

I stayed off of social media that evening, wrote my (hopefully) inspirational thought for this account that would air the next day, FaceTimed my kids, read my scriptures, and went to bed.

I’ve had to ask myself this a lot this year:

“What is to be done right now?”

And slowly, one word keeps jumping out to me.


What do I need to DO?

Not “what do I need to post”, “what do I need to comment on”, “where should I share my opinion”…

But what is to be done?

Sometimes, I’ve felt strongly to make adjustments in my life based off of events that I’ve witnessed.

But mostly, I’ve felt that making my home a place filled with love and faith is the most important thing.

I’ve tried to be more loving. Serve more. Pray more. Read more. Laugh more. Connect more. Wish more people a Happy Birthday. Check in on friends.

I’ve been trying to do things.

And I wonder what Christ would do if He were on the earth right now?

I personally don’t think He would be sharing His opinion very often on current events. Maybe I’m wrong, but this is what I feel.

I think He would be out in the real world. Serving. Loving. Helping.

Seeing the good, and then doing the good.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the war of words or tumult of opinions?

What is to be done? Let’s do it.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



15 Responses

  1. Thank you so much. It is so easy to get caught up in the turmoil. I’m a recent widow and I have kids from California to Maryland and I worry so much about them. I have been praying for peace not only for America, but that I can feel peace in my day to day life. Your words made me remember to just let Jesus, and whatever happens we are and will be ok.
    Thanks again

    1. That reminds me of President Nelson’s advice to “let God prevail” in our lives. It sounds like you are doing what you need to do to let that happen.

  2. This is very interesting. I was speaking with my adult daughter this past week about Deleting our Instagram account. We opened it to share pictures with friends and family without having to send it out individually and have quick comments about them. In the last year, especially the last six months, we have seen these people, whom we love, begin posting more frequently their thoughts, their positions, putting down others, working at gaining popularity, taking jabs at others.
    Having this discussion with our daughter brought up that we will be dropping our account. That we will be more focused on ourselves and immediate family to increase the gospel knowledge. To be better people, better examples. We felt that this would be a better choice than posting “our” thoughts due to the position and distance of those we followed and follow us.
    It’s amazing how so many have hidden behind the internet to begin slowly destroying others. In turn destroying themselves and their own relationships.
    We see one young couple posting their spouses small ( I guess could be funny) faults. We wonder how long that will last before they go their own ways.
    We are grateful for the inspiration we ask for and continue to receive that guides us through these times.

    1. That’s great to have discussions with your family members to see how you can keep the positive influences in your home. It sounds like you’ve found what will work for you.

  3. You are not alone in your thoughts. Mine have been very similar this year.
    In a ‘virtual’ world I think people cast their words out there without thought or fear. Earlier this year I read hateful and belittling words between two women I know from church that had very different ideas of who would make a better President. Because one posted and the other reacted. But it did not stop there – it brought many others to the defense of each women and left a very bad taste in my mouth for social media and very sad that we as Saints would act like that towards each other.
    Who was right? They both were in my opinion because they were exercising their free agency – a gift given to us by our loving Heavenly Father. But we MUST be careful not to get caught up in someone else’s free agency and how they choose to use it, because the times we are in are difficult and it will only bring us down. It will take us away from our Heavenly Father and closer to the worldly ways of the adversary.
    These days when turning on the tv, radio, or looking at our phones and smart devices with every notice that pops up from our news sources can bring to even the most faithful Saints – fear, doubt, anxiety, anger, frustration, and sadness with what’s taking place in our nation, and in the world. Some may feel desensitized because of what’s been going on for months, others outraged and looking for a way to voice they’re feelings.
    For me, I have found that I have to extremely limit my intake of news these days and that was difficult in the beginning because for years I’ve been that person that had it on for ‘background noise’ in my home. It had just become unhealthy for me and I found that it basically was undoing all the hard work I was putting in each day with being in my scriptures, expanding my knowledge, on my knees in prayer, and serving others. We just need to be smart and do what’s best for us and our families.
    Thank you for your words today – grateful for the reminder!

    1. I’m glad you could find these words helpful this morning. You’re smart to start turn off the background noise in your home and focus more on the good you can create in your own home.

  4. Thank you so much for this. I believe you’re right the Savior would be serving rather than being “in” the contention.

  5. This is exactly what I needed this morning. Thanks to my sister Pam for sending it to me and thank you for sharing this.

  6. Thank you! I’ve been feeling impressed to pull back and focus on strengthening
    my family. This is an answer to my personal prayers.

  7. THIS is sooo GOOD!! So good!
    I am so grateful to have found you. You are one of my social media friends that I wish we could be real friends. You are the type of woman I seek out to want to be friends with. You must be 20 years younger than me and have so much depth in your testimony. It’s truly amazing!
    Thank you for every post…every story…every time you share your heart and your testimony!!

  8. Thank you! I have been feeling a bit anxious and worried about events happening. Haven’t been on social media much to avoid the contention, and your thoughts are wonderful and a great answer as to what I need to do, and where I need to focus my efforts… Serving. Loving. Helping.

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