I was scrolling through Facebook the other day when I started reading a post that someone had shared.

I really liked the post, and agreed with a lot of the things this person was saying.

And then I read one line with a thought I had never heard before.

I said a quick little prayer: “Hmmm I’ve never thought of this that way. Is that true?”

And almost immediately, I heard a voice.

“That is not truth.”

It was calm and quiet.

But it was firm and sure.

I closed the post and moved on.

The Holy Ghost knows what truth is.

“The Spirit manifesteth truth”. D&C 91:4

And in a day when everyone has unprecedented access to publish and spread their opinions far and wide, I think the need to discern truth is greater than ever.

And I think it’s also important to realize how much work it takes to keep the Spirit with us.

Because we are also humans with brains who have opinions and varying backgrounds.

And when we read something that goes along with our opinions, our brains like it.

God doesn’t want us all to think exactly the same way, so I don’t believe the Spirit is given to us to change every opinion and thought that we have.

But I’ve found that it feels different when the Spirit is confirming something or warning me.

Instead of, “Yeah, I agree!”

I feel a calm but firm feeling.

“This is truth.”

I’ve also found success when I ask.

When I say a deliberate prayer to ask if this is truth or not, I virtually always get a response.

Or a prompting on what I need to do in order to get the Spirit’s constant presence back with me before I can be ready to receive an answer.

Just as it was important for saints of all generations, we need to make sure that we know what is truth for the things that matter most.

We will all still have different opinions and viewpoints and personal revelation for how to apply something specifically to our life.

But we can still feel the Spirit testify of the things that are eternal truths.

Or warn us of things that are not.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



5 Responses

  1. I love the simplicity of this message. And your comment, “…it feels different when the Spirit is confirming something or warning me.” Truth. Thanks for bringing this up. It is such a clear message. That’s how the Spirit communicates – if we are in tune.

  2. I appreciate this. We are being bombarded by a variety of philosophies. But the ones that are hardest are the ones that carry some parts of truth and other parts that aren’t. We have to pay attention to what the spirit tells us. I think Satan often starts with truths, then half truths, and then introduces a lie – to reel us in.
    We live in dangerous times. It’s such a blessing to have the spirit let us know what is truth and what is not – because there’s no way for us humans to know everything there is in the world to know. But Heavenly Father knows, and we need his guidance.

  3. We all have a individual Liahona so to speak, based on our individual choices we have made in our lives. Just as the Lord through the Prophet Joseph revealed the degrees of glory [D&C 76]. Each “state of mind” in each glory is the “truth” for that Glory. There are eternal truths that are the “same” for each glory. That “same truth” has levels or degrees based on where we are individually. For instance “love” is found in each of the glories. What that “love” is attached to will determine the glory! For example, there is unconditional love and conditional love, this alone separates the Celestial from the other two glories. And so it is with all the attributes of God. When the Lord said “know the truth, and the truth will make you free,” [John 8:32] … do you think he was referring to Celestial truth or Terrestrial and Telestial truths?

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