I met someone new at church last week.
When she said her name, I thought, “Oh, that’s a memorable name! I will definitely remember that one!”
And then, as soon as my husband asked what her name was later that day…
I had completely forgotten.
Even though I think I will remember important things, my memory is not always the best.
Memory fades.
But guess who can help us remember things perfectly?
The Holy Ghost!
In fact, it’s one of my favorite roles of the Holy Ghost.
He can help us remember important things that have happened to us.
David Whitmer was a new acquaintance to Joseph Smith.
The Smiths were now living at the Whitmer home.
In a revelation to David, the Lord tells him:
“. . . you shall receive the Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance, that you may stand as a witness of the things of which you shall both hear and see.” (D&C 14:8)
I truly believe that we see the hand of God everywhere, every day.
We are surrounded by miracles and tender mercies.
And yet, even if we think, “Oh, what a beautiful tender mercy,” during the day…
We might find ourselves getting to bedtime and feeling that nothing special happened that day.
The Holy Ghost can help us remember the miracles we have seen and heard.
We just need to ask, wait, and listen to hear what He is ready to bring to our minds.
When we are reminded, our hearts are filled with gratitude for the abundant spiritual experiences all around us!
“The Holy Ghost brings back memories of what God has taught us.” – Henry B. Eyring
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black
4 Responses
I’m not sure if I should have a favorite, but this is literally one of my favorite functions of the Holy Ghost! I often refer to “Holy Ghost” moments when he helps me remember and recall things. He can’t help me recall things that I didn’t know, but if I knew it or experienced it, he can certainly bring those things back to my remembrance.
I love this! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing Cali!
Something remarkable happened to me this week. As we were ending a class in Sunday School last week (past Sunday), after acknowledging the influence and blessings of the Holy Ghost in our lives daily. As I shared my own testimony, I remembered saying that I have no doubt that there are countless blessings we receive daily, monthly, yearly or throughout our lives that we might not even notice. These words truly came through my heart by the influence and guidance of the Holy Ghost. I felt it, and God knows it and I know that He knows that I know it.
This week, someone very dear to me came and shared something very personal. We live very busy lives, and sometimes we don’t see each other for months and maybe years. This person shared with me that many many years ago, this person was going through a very difficult time dealing with severe depression. My husband and I, happened to be a the same place where this person happened to be that day at that time. Our encounters with others can range from hugs and kisses to warm welcomes and sincere efforts to connect with each other no matter how often we talk or see each other.
The same day, few minutes later, I felt a strong impression that I would never forget, I felt prompted to go and seek for this person, and let him know how much we love him. I grabed my husband to go with me and we told him how much we love him and we are here to support him. I couldn’t imagine that almost 15 years later, he would share that on this day, he was writing a good bye letter to everyone, because he was planning to take his own life. Our small encounter prevented him from finishing the letter.
When he shared this recently, I cried so much in gratitude, not only because his life was spared, but because God loves us so much that he knows all of us individually and what we are going through. As we listed and follow the Holy Ghost promptings we can do and accomplish the Lord’s purposes. Our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ and The Holy Ghost continue to amaze me every day. I will be forever grateful for the Lord’s tender mercies for all of us, His children on this earth.
What an incredible story and reminder of the importance of following the promptings we receive! Thank you for sharing.