“What you focus on, grows.”

It’s a piece of parenting advice I’ve been leaning into recently.

I’ve proved it time and time again.

One of my kids kept doing something they shouldn’t do over and over, and any correction I was giving was clearly going in one ear and out the other.

“What you focus on, grows.”

I wanted to keep correcting, but I decided to ignore the behavior and instead start asking him questions about a fun play date he had recently.

He got so excited and started talking all about it.

I was able to build positive interactions and compliment him.

The bad behavior stopped, and it ended up being a fun little connection moment with him.

“What you focus on, grows.”

I’ve found it to be so true in my life, too.

When I keep complaining, my problems seem bigger and worse.

When I keep showing gratitude, my blessings seem bigger and better.

When I try to find more opportunities to serve, I serve more.

When I judge someone, I start finding more and more things to judge about them.

“Let God be magnified.” (Psalm 70:4)

I want God to become more and more magnified in my life.

I want to continue to focus on Him day after day.

I want to think of Him, speak of Him and love Him.

I want to make more space for Him in my mind and in my schedule.

Because what I focus on, grows.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. This is such a great and timely lesson! I’m going to share this with my family today!! I love this! It’s soo important to remember and teach this to our families!! I love my Savior!! I want to focus on Him! And teach of Him! And for me and my house to be positive and grateful to Him always!! LOVE THIS!!❤️

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