What’s your “why”?

I’ve thought about this question a lot.

As a mom, as a wife, as a disciple, as a writer and speaker…

Why do I do what I do each day?

Being able to go on mental autopilot is fantastic for some of my daily tasks.

But, in general, autopilot is the enemy of my “why”.

  • Why did I choose to be a mom and take care of my two kids?
  • Why do I try to make my husband a priority?
  • Why do I spend a large portion of my personal time devoted to becoming more Christlike?
  • Why do I take time to write my thoughts down and share them with others?

When I honestly consider each of these questions, I’m infused with purpose and joy.

Captain Moroni wrote his “why” on part of his coat and rallied others who resonated with his “why”.

And I try to “rally” myself to the remembrance of my “why” each day, too.

I need to take that time to center myself and be reminded of all the reasons I’m living the life I am right now.

And that gives me a little surge of adrenaline to keep going.

So what’s your “why” for each of your roles right now?

I challenge you to step out of autopilot for a second, and “rally the troops” sometime today.

(By the way, personal prayers are a fantastic time and way to do this!)

What would you wave on a flag and proudly share that gives you motivation and pride?

What’s your “why”?

Artwork by Walter Rane

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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