We don’t get many accounts of husbands and wives interacting within the scriptures.

But I am so grateful for the few glimpses we get into how Lehi and Sariah interacted.

We have the famous account of Sariah complaining and murmuring that her sons were probably killed in the wilderness, and that she can’t believe she trusted her “visionary” husband.

Tons of lessons can be and have been taught about this account of Sariah. 

But I want to look at the little glimpse of interaction between Sariah and Lehi AFTER the complaining and BEFORE their sons return.  

Sariah complains. She complains that her sons are gone, and probably dead. She starts to put the blame on her husband and his visions. 

She’s clearly not in a good place. And honestly, for very understandable reasons. No shade being thrown to Sariah. I have complained and put blame on my husband for MUCH less offences than leaving our home and losing my children in the wilderness. 

But how does Lehi react?

He reaffirms the truth of the “visions” he has had…

And then he COMFORTS her. 

How beautiful. 

Lehi doesn’t try to call her out. He doesn’t turn around and put the blame on her. He doesn’t say, “You should probably pray harder about this”. 

He just comforts his grieving and frustrated wife. 

What an example of grace and pure love.

Sometimes in marriage, it becomes easy to point fingers. To tell your spouse exactly what they are doing wrong in detailed note form, with backup sources. 

But often, what we all need is just comfort.

To know that we are loved and cared for, no matter what our weaknesses are in the moment. 

Shoutout to my fantastic husband who is literally the perfect example of just loving and comforting me, even when I’m clearly in the wrong or dealing with some major shortcomings. Pregnancy ain’t easy on me (not that it’s easy for many people!) and one of his biggest strengths is his ability to COMFORT without any judgement. 

Marriages really are composed of two imperfect people. But how we react to our spouse’s imperfections makes a big difference. Do we chasten and correct more often, or do we just comfort and love? 

What a great pattern Lehi and Sariah give us to follow!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black

Artwork by Joseph Brickey



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