Context is so important here:

These people were worn down.

They had been driven out of their homes by the Lamanites.

They had been taxed fifty percent of everything they possessed.

The Lamanites came to war against them.

Many of their family and friends had been killed.

They had lived under good and not-so-good kings.

I can picture them – tired, worn down, confused, on their last thread of hope waiting for people from Zarahemla to find them and save them.

Sending out search parties to find Zarahemla.

Praying for people of Zarahemla to find them and save them.

And then King Limhi calls them all to the temple.

The people of Zarahemla had come! They had found them! Their deliverance from the Lamanites would be coming soon!

I can imagine their joy! Their saviors had come.

But Limhi had just been taught King Benjamin’s words by Ammon and the others from Zarahemla. His heart had been converted. 

And so Limhi helps his people point their hearts and their trust in the right direction.

These people from Zarahemla? They are not your saviors.

Our trust should be in God.

Lift up your heads! Rejoice! Because we don’t need to put our trust in mortal men.

We have a loving God to put our trust in.

Our rejoicing and our happiness come when we put our trust in God – not in people coming from Zarahemla, not in restrictions being lifted, not in your health changing, not in your kid mastering potty training…

Our joy and happiness can be found NOW when we put our trust in GOD.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. These are excellent insights Cali! I appreciate the simple summary you have provided and the beautiful pictures. I want to post them to FB. Thank you so much!

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