35 days until Stake Girls Camp.

Not that I’m counting or anything…

I’ve been feeling so overwhelmed recently with the sheer amount of things I need to coordinate, problems I need to solve, and people I need to communicate with.

And I mean I’ve got a lot of other things going on in my life too.

So recently I’ve just been getting super overwhelmed…

And then not doing anything because I already have other things on my plate I can focus on.

But something last week reminded me that Heavenly Father wants me to ask Him for help.

He desperately wants to help me know where to focus with the energy He knows I have.

“It is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength.”⁣ (Mosiah 4:27)

And so for the past few days, I have specifically prayed each morning for the Lord to help me know one single thing I can do that day to move things forward.

And… I’ve been shocked at how clear and simple the direction has been each day!

I’ve known who to talk to or what to plan.

And it’s been super attainable.

God is so so so good.

He doesn’t want us, His devoted servants and saints, running around, constantly overwhelmed and unable to move forward.

He’ll show us the path, or at least the very next step.

Or sometimes the path is still dark, but He will give us the strength to match the task.

But we need to ask.

“[We] wear many hats, but it is impossible, and unnecessary, to wear them all at once.

“The Spirit helps us determine which work to focus on today.” (Joy D. Jones)

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. Thank you, Cali for this snippet of encouragement. This was very profound and needed in my life. I love reading your inspiration. Thank you!!! Patti Waud

  2. Oh I remember those days! I love how quick Heavenly Father is ready to answer our prayers, over and over again. There have been many times that I have asked Him to bless me with a magnification of my time just so I can get it all done….and He did! He loves us that much!!

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