“Hey mom, watch this!”

Quin yelled that at me last week as she jumped off the beanbag.

I was working on my computer but turned my head to watch the jump.

“Great job!” I said, and turned back to my computer.

About a minute later, this entire exchange happened again.

And then about 5 more times.

She asked me to watch her, I’d stop my work for a moment, turn to look at her, give her praise, and go back to work.

And then one time when she finished her jump, she said, “Mommy, wait! Don’t look at your computer! Watch me the whole time!”

And I felt a little sting.

She just wanted my full attention.

Not even really my praise, but my attention throughout her entire “trick”.

Which way do we face?

In 3 Nephi 30, our Savior commands us to “turn… from your wicked ways”.

And then invites us to “come unto me”.

He wants us to actually turn away from the lesser things of the world, and keep our full attention on him.

Not to be entirely focused on other things and only turn our heads when it’s time for church, a prayer, or a lesson.

He just wants our full attention.

We face him, and then everything else comes into perspective.

We know when to work and where to work and how much to work. We know when to spend time with our family and when to pursue other hobbies. We know what to let go of and what to hold on to.

When we face him, we see our lives with the full power of the Spirit.

And we have to decide if we will turn away from the seemingly important distractions and make our Savior our top priority.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. This was SO powerful a message to me today. I recognize this is exactly what I am guilty of doing: “only turning [my head] when it’s time for church, a prayer or a lesson.” This is just one more reminder to me to try harder, sharpen my focus and be a better disciple of Jesus Christ.

  2. Love this awesome reminder not to just turn when we feel the need to but, to be fully focused on Him and receive revelations for ourselves and our families.
    Thank you for the inspired thought.

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