What does it mean to you to: “Worship Jesus Christ”?

Like literally, what do you picture in your head when you hear that phrase?

In some ways, this phrase is really big, and can encompass so many different actions.

But in other ways, this phrase is really vague and can easily not really translate to anything at all.

That’s how I’ve felt for the longest time.

What does it really mean to “worship Jesus”?

This is why I love Section 93 so so so much.

Because we are being taught more about the Savior.

Not just what He did on the earth, although that is important (head to the New Testament for all those beautiful details!).

But we are learning more about who He is, and how He grew, and what He is really really like.

We learn new titles for Him, we learn about different roles that He has played, and we learn about the power that He holds.


Why are we learning so much about Jesus?

In D&C 93:19, the Lord Himself tells us why in some of the most plain wording:

“I give unto you these sayings that you may understand and know how to worship, and know what you worship, that you may come unto the Father in my name, and in due time receive of his fulness.”

Through studying these words, we learn HOW to worship, and we learn WHAT we worship when we worship the Savior.

The more we get to know Him, the more natural it is to worship.

For me, the more I know about His nature, His involvement, His power, the more I see Him everywhere.

In the physical world around me, yes.

But also in the small little miracles, the fun moments between friends, the magical moments with a child.

My worship becomes gratitude, love, passion, music, prayer, happiness, and service.

So if your mind drew a vague blank when I asked what it looks like to “worship Jesus Christ”…

Studying Section 93, in addition to any time we learn more about our Savior, can teach you.

It can teach you what you are worshipping, and how to do it.

Because the more we learn about Jesus, the better we can worship Him.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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