Why would faithful


members of the church spend time researching names

and then attending the temple to do temple work?⁣

There’s all the technical doctrinal reasons.

The reasons that help explain this super unique aspect of our Christian religion.

In addition to baptizing people in behalf of those who have passed away, we also know that all temple ordinances are made available by proxy for people who have died. ⁣

“Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?” (1 Corinthians 15:29)

But why do we continue to attend the House of the Lord?

I think the real answer is

Christlike love and compassion. ⁣

Have you ever thought about how that’s what temple work really is?⁣

We literally are spending time, effort, and often some amount of money in the form of gas, food, or childcare in order to show love and compassion for those who were not able to perform temple ordinances in their lifetime. ⁣

And, these deceased people might not even accept our work. ⁣

And yet, we still go. ⁣

We love them so much,

OR we at least understand that Christ loves them so much,

that we are willing to give up our time in order to give them a chance. ⁣

That is such extreme love and compassion. ⁣

And I think that’s one of the reasons why it’s so important to go to the temple!

Even when it’s difficult.

We are developing a truly advanced ability to love others when we sacrifice so much for what may not be accepted at all. ⁣

In fact, that sounds an awful lot like what our Savior did for all of us. ⁣

When we attend the temple, we get to experience just a small portion of what He did as He sacrificed His comfort in order to give everyone the opportunity to develop spiritually. ⁣

I’m so grateful that attending the temple helps me become more Christlike, from the things that I learn as I worship in the House of the Lord, to the mere physical act of just being willing to attend.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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