One reason I started @ComeFollowMeStudy over 6 years ago?⁣

Because when I first searched for “Come, Follow Me” resources in January of 2019…

I only found ways to teach your kids about the scriptures.

Basically, family scripture study support.

And I so selfishly thought (with a 1 year old who I wasn’t really concerned about teaching yet)…

What about me?!

Where is my help and support?!

(Which led to the prompting for me to start this account, but the full saga is a story for another day.)

I have gained SUCH a strong testimony that we have to learn for ourselves first. ⁣

We have to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first.

In fact, I think that’s the best way to teach our families!

Now that I have older kids where I DO want to teach the gospel more…

I find that most of my teaching comes from my heart.

It’s from my real life experiences.

From real struggles and testimonies and tests. ⁣

It’s from what I have already studied.

(This is not a knock at lesson-helps by the way – I actually have tried and currently use many that I love. I am so grateful for those who use their talents in that area.)

And now with my Youth Sunday School calling, I try to make my top priority each week studying the material on my own and learning what the Spirit needs to teach me.

Before it even crosses my mind what to teach, I fill my own mind with learning and inspiration for my own life.

Are we sometimes TOO concerned about how to teach a topic to our kids?

How to give a good talk?

How to keep our class engaged?⁣

Or is our focus on how WE can gain a better understanding of a concept?

“Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men.” (D&C 11:21)

“In order to successfully teach the gospel, you must have both the word and the power of the gospel in your life.” – David M. McConkie

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

  1. I would say the most important thing that I have learned from you is when I read a come, follow me lesson and the scriptures to look for the principal. And share a personal experience based on that principle. I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t taken your teaching adults course.

  2. Cali,
    It is obvious to me that you study, and enrich your own understanding before you teach about these gospel truths. I’m so grateful to you for all your sacrifice you so sincerely offer up to the Lord in my behalf. I thank you from my heart. Your method of teaching the scriptures has been a huge game changer for me!
    On to the D&C for 2025! It’s going to be an awesome journey.
    Terrie Lyn Feuerbach

    1. I’m just seeing this comment, but thank you so much!!! Comments like this and your support mean the world to me. <3

  3. I started following you 3 years ago and there have been many times when I have read your emails on the lessons and a prayer has been answered or it has taken me in a direction to find something I am looking for. I downloaded your teaching lesson last year and it has helped me greatly along with your emails to learn better and to teach. In this email though, you are completely right, these last few months as I am learning and studying I have noticed it does come from the heart, our desire to want to learn of Christ and his ways. I see that in returned missionaries when they are called to teach in any capacity. It often seems to come to them so easily, (as an observer). Thank you for starting this and following the spirit in this direction.

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