Who were the great and mighty ones who were all assembled together in a congregation of the righteous in heaven?

Joseph F. Smith actually saw this righteous assembly in a vision.

Who did he literally see there, being taught by the Savior?

President Smith mentions our Father Adam first. And then…

“Our glorious Mother Eve, with many of her faithful daughters who had lived through the ages and worshiped the true and living God.” D&C 138:39

Our Mother Eve and her faithful daughters from throughout the ages.

Mostly nameless.

Not recognizable to a current prophet looking in.

We don’t know most of their stories.

Not often recorded in the scriptures.

That’s the fate that women have faced for centuries.

But we can’t deny that faithful and righteous women are represented in heaven, right alongside Isaiah and Malachi and Noah.

“These the Lord taught, and gave them power to come forth, after his resurrection from the dead, to enter into his Father’s kingdom, there to be crowned with immortality and eternal life,

“And continue thenceforth their labor as had been promised by the Lord, and be partakers of all blessings which were held in reserve for them that love him.” D&C 138:51-52

Our names don’t have to be known in order to receive immortality and eternal life.

Our stories don’t have to be told in order to receive all the blessings held in store for those who love the Lord.

Life on earth is messy.

(Although I can’t deny how grateful I am to be a woman alive at a time when I feel blessed with so many more opportunities than previous generations.)

But heaven?

It’s filled with women and men assembled together, side by side, with their focuses on the Savior.

Artwork: “Faithful Women” by Amber Eldredge

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. President Joseph F. Smith said this about receiving his vision in section 138:
    “These good sisters who have been set apart, ordained to the work, … will be fully authorized and empowered to preach the gospel and minister to the women while the elders and prophets are preaching it to the men” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. [1939], 461).

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