I have had the cool experience with a few different callings or assignments that I’ve had, to stand in front of a group of people…

And feel an immense godly love for them.

I’ve seen insecure teenagers in an EFY group, kids in a Sunday School class, girls in a Young Women group…

And I am filled with this powerful love and perspective.

They are so important. Each of them.

Many times when I’ve had this experience, I’ve tried to tell the people about it right then.

I try to tell them that I feel godly love for them.

But words can’t really convey how I can tell the Lord feels about them.

And then I think about the times where I’ve had a leader stand up and say something similar! When leaders have said that they feel great love for each of us in the room.

And for some reason, it’s a little harder to see that coming from the other direction.

We hear of leaders “sending their love” and we brush it off as an overused expression.

In one of the most famous scriptures ever, the Lord teaches us in Doctrine and Covenants Section 18 verse 10 to:

“Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God”.

Isn’t that so cool to think that we are surrounded by great souls?!

That our neighbors, kids, coworkers, and extended family are worth more than we can imagine?!

But I think it is often just as essential to think about how that knowledge can change us.

Did you know that YOUR soul is great?

Did you know that there are likely many people who have looked at you and felt that glimpse of godly love for you?

Did you know that when God looks at you, He is filled with even more love than you feel when looking at your kids?

You are surrounded by great people.

But don’t ever forget that YOU, you yourself, are great, too.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Yes!! I have had that experience too– like my soul is swelling with God’s love for the class or congregation. It is so sweet and almost indescribable. When we served as temple missionaries in the Cebu Temple in the Philippines, we would have some sweet humble new patrons who spoke no English. Especially for them, but also for all the patrons, I would pray that God would let His love for them shine through my face. It was such a humbling experience to see the warmth and comfort that could bring to these new temple patrons. Thanks for the reminder that we are so loved!

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