I have had the awesome experience, with a few different church callings or assignments, of standing in front of a group of people and feeling an immense Godly love for them.
Whether it’s an EFY group, a Sunday School class, a youth group, or Primary kids…
I’ve had moments when I am filled with this powerful love and perspective.
They are so important.
Each of them.
Many times when I’ve had this experience, I’ve tried to tell the people in the room about it right then.
But words can’t really convey how I can tell the Lord feels about them.
My explanation feels clunky, but the love I can feel for them is real.
They are each so valued to our Heavenly Father.
But then…
I think about when I’ve had a leader stand up and say something similar—
That they feel great love for each of us in the room.
And for some reason, it’s a little harder to feel that same divine love coming from the other direction.
The Lord teaches us to “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.” (D&C 18:10)
It can often be easier to understand that God loves the people around us than to truly feel His love for us individually.
Did you know that YOUR soul is great?
Did you know that many people likely have looked at you and felt that glimpse of God’s love for you?
Great people surround you.
But don’t ever forget that YOU, you yourself, are great, too.
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black