I was running a little thin a couple weeks ago.

I had work to do like crazy, my house was a mess, and my kids needed a whole lot of attention.

Add to that the fact that between long work hours and church service, time with my husband was getting sparse, too.

I just felt a lot of concern.

And then I opened my Doctrine and Covenants to start studying section 100 in preparation for writing some posts and podcast episodes.

The very first verse pierced my heart.

“Your families are well; they are in mine hands”. D&C 100:1

That line was meant for me, right there, right then.

Tears filled my eyes and I prayed for a little more understanding.

I felt peace.

I felt comfort.

I felt reassurance that we were doing good things and that this busy season would pass soon.

And then I sat in amazement.

For some reason, I was waiting for a prompting of something to change to make the situation better.

But instead, I just felt like I was being cheered on and comforted.

It was almost like a little tight squeeze. A little “it’s all going to be okay”.

It wasn’t a solution to all my “problems”. Instead it was a comfort and a love that elevated me to handle the load a little bit better.

This verse might be totally insignificant to you right now, and that’s fine.

I’m sure I’ve read it before and never thought twice about it.

And that’s what I will forever love about the scriptures.

He speaks. The Spirit inspires. My God comforts.

In exactly the way I needed it on that day.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



8 Responses

  1. I don’t think I truly read that verse before. What a comfort. I just dropped my granddaughter off at college and I was so stressed worrying about her. Was she going to be ok? Will she make friends? Will she eat enough? Will she be lonely? Thank you for sharing that insight with us. I, too, am comforted.

    1. I’m glad it brought you comfort! Dropping your children and grandchildren off at college has got to be so tough!

  2. I so needed this I’ve being feeling so overwhelmed this week, with being sick and work and family balance it’s been ruff so I appreciate this.

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