I had a life-changing class in college that taught me about the danger of “a single story.”

Basically, we learn one person’s story.

And then we assume that everyone who has a similar characteristic must also have a similar life.

Our brains unfortunately do this with skin color, how people are dressed, hair styles, gender, religion…

We assume.

We assume that everyone at church is doing great, and we are the odd ones out.

We’ve learned the single story of a “perfect member” and apply it to everyone sitting around us, alienating ourselves as the “other.”

Or we assume that “less-active” people have lost their testimonies because we think we know their full story.

Learning an individual person’s single story is a great way to know THAT person.

The danger comes when we use it to make negative assumptions and unfounded judgments.

Because at church, we have such a variety!

I have learned to truly love the diversity of life experiences, personalities, gifts, interests, and education that I’m surrounded by each Sunday.

We DO have many similarities when we belong to this church.

We are asked to become one in purpose. ⁣

But that doesn’t mean for a second that we all come to the table with the same experiences. ⁣

And I love it!⁣

“We, being many, are one body in Christ… Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us”. (Romans 12:5-6)

Becoming unified as a church means recognizing the variety of talents, life experiences, stages of testimony, and education that we each have.

And we celebrate it!

And we use it to uplift each other and connect with each other! ⁣

We truly get to know people instead of assuming and judging. ⁣


The body of Christ is all connected in one whole.

The more we can connect and share, the closer we become, unified in Christ.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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