A question that boggles my mind every time I start to really think about it:

Why do we all get completely different “lots”?

The sons of Mosiah all went to the Lamanite lands.

Each initially went to a different city.

Ammon fell in favor with the local ruler and ended up converting many to the gospel.

Aaron went from city to city finding only opposition, and was eventually thrown in prison and deprived of food and clothing.


Was Ammon more faithful? More deserving of a successful mission?

“As it happened, it was their lot to have fallen into the hands of a more hardened and a more stiffnecked people” – Alma 20:30

It was just their different lot.

I think about the endless varieties of “lots” that each of us is dealt in this mortal life.

There are “lots” that I envy. There are lots that I pity. There are moments of extreme gratitude for my lot. There are moments of disappointment for my lot.

But the lots that we have been given are not always a reflection of our faithfulness, righteousness, or knowledge.

Someone with an easier lot does not have their easier lot because they have greater faith than you.

And conversely, someone with a really difficult lot was not given that difficult lot because they have more faith to endure than you.

Elder Rasband gives us a small but powerful glimpse at the answer:

“The Lord knows what each of us is capable of doing and becoming.”

He knew Ammon could handle his lot. He knew Aaron could handle his.

And he knows I can handle my lot as I rely on Him.

So at the end of the day, it doesn’t do any good to over analyze WHY we have our lot. Because there might not be a simple cause or an easy answer.

But we can trust that the Lord has given us a lot that we can bear.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. You really are so inspired – your words so carefully chosen and meaningful – thank you for helping me understand the Book Of Mormon more clearly! Love your guides too- so helpful!

    1. Oh you are too kind! I really enjoy putting my thoughts into words that hopefully convey the Spirit. Thank you!

  2. This reminds me of a spiritual experience I had many years ago. As I sat at a stop sign, a disabled person crossed the street in front of my car. I thought to myself “there but for the grace of God go I”. The Spirit whispered to me that I had chosen mental and emotional challenges rather than physical ones and indeed that has been my lot. Depression and anxiety have been almost constant companions all my life. Remembering that experience has helped me cope when life gets hard.

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