I’m sure a lot of people think I’m foolish.

Those who have heard sound bits of my religion and see me as a devout follower.

Those who only see the differences between them and me.

Those who left the faith and can’t imagine why anyone would stay.

And I’m pretty self-aware.

There are certainly things from the outside looking in about my faith, and the church that I believe houses God’s priesthood power, that look foolish.

Paul counseled:

“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him.” (1 Corinthians 2:14)

But for everyone who thinks I am foolish for staying so dedicated to the undeniable revelation I have received…

There are also people I know who are some of the most well-educated and kindest and most giving humans I’ve ever met.

Brilliant minds who stay.

Independent and powerful individuals who join.

I mean, I think the gospel of Jesus Christ actually logically makes a lot of sense.

But just reasoning things out will never be enough to convince someone to fully convert.

The Spirit is the key.

The Spirit has to be involved when seeking gospel truths, hearing revelations, listening to prophets, and reading scriptures.

The Spirit has to whisper those confirming messages.

The Spirit has to give us that feeling of warmth.

The Spirit has to appeal to our logical mind and show how it actually all makes perfect sense. ⁣

Are we just believing the foolish traditions of our fathers?⁣

Not when the Spirit is involved! ⁣

Are we just exercising blind obedience and following whatever some authority figure tells us to do?⁣

Not when the Spirit is involved!⁣

When we have the Spirit with us, we shake off the bands of “foolishness” and begin to see what truth is!

And at the end of the day, we can only get that heavenly perspective by keeping the Spirit with us.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Sweetest Cali,

    Thank you for this heavenly testimony. This is the sweetest reminder to me of my relationship with our Father in Heaven. How His hands keep showing in my life in so many ways daily. The spirit has manifested truths that I can’t even share with anyone, however they are engraved in my heart and will continue to be a strength to me and allow me to endure to the end.
    I know revelation is given to us through the spirit and I want to live worthy to receive the revelation we need in our lives. In my own ignorance or lack of knowledge I don’t know everything. And I don’t have to know everything either. God will teach us and reveal many truths when we have prepared to receive those truths and we are ready to receive them to understand them. Be Blessed!

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