When I hear of “peacemakers”, I think of telling little kids to be kind to their siblings. ⁣

“Blessed are the peacemakers”. (Matthew 5:9)

Be kind!


Be a peacemaker!

Buuuuut… “Lord, is it I?”

There is probably a more “spiritually mature” way that I could work on becoming a peacemaker, too.

In my home, yes, but also every sphere that I interact with!

Here are some ideas I’ve thought of:

– Fulfilling your church calling without adding any drama⁣

– Serving your spouse in a way they would appreciate ⁣

– Not posting things on social media with the sole purpose of riling people up⁣

– Reaching out to serve someone in a way that will add peace to their life

– Not passing gossip or dramatic stories on when they aren’t your stories to share

– Choosing not to complain to or guilt trip someone

– Making time a priority for your own quiet “peaceful” time to reset yourself or study the gospel ⁣

– Learning new parenting strategies and applying them to help you in interactions with kids⁣

– Following guidelines at work or at school that help others to also be peaceful and successful

– Allowing others to make decisions you disagree with⁣

I did hear once that “being a peacemaker is different than just agreeing with everyone”.

And I like that.

We can still have our opinions, needs, boundaries, and standards while also being a source of peace.

Or rather… while pointing people to the real source of peace.

The Prince of Peace.

The more Jesus that I experience in my life, the greater peace I feel.

And the greater peace that I feel on the inside, the more likely I am to be able to spread that with the people around me.

Everyone’s looking for peace.

Peace on earth.

And if we can’t make everyone see that there is peace in Christ, we can at least find our own peace.

And then become a peacemaker to share a bit of that calm joy with others.

Blessed are the peacemakers.

How are you a peacemaker?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. The war in the Ukraine had just begun. I was assigned to lead the prayer in the temple. I felt that something must be said, but what?
    I struggled to know what to say in behalf of everyone, but couldn’t find the right words. As I knelt at the altar, the Spirit said, “Pray for peace, and that the gospel of peace will be spread through the world.”
    It was perfect! The Lord knows what the world really needs. Pray for peace.

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