Study Snippets

Ready for quick, simple and powerful spiritual thoughts from this week’s Come Follow Me reading? Check out my Study Snippets here, starting from most recently published. If you are looking for ideas for quick spiritual thoughts, or easy lesson starters, this is your place! This list is automatically updated as new Snippets are added, so check back for new thoughts each day!

February 2023

The black and white mansion 

There are new neighborhoods popping up quite literally everywhere by where we live. I love looking at all the styles and sizes and colors and

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February 2023

Seeing in secret 

No one may ever know how frustrated you got with your kids today… but then you chose to say a prayer and invite peace. No

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February 2023

Different monsoons 

Arizona has the best monsoons in the summertime! But not every monsoon is exactly the same. If you’ve never experienced a monsoon in the desert,

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February 2023

Blessed are the peacemakers 

When I hear of “peacemakers”, I think of telling little kids to be kind to their siblings. ⁣ “Blessed are the peacemakers”. (Matthew 5:9) Be

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February 2023

Pray for your enemies

My teacher at church invited the class to think of the person who made them feel the most angry. I immediately had a name come

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February 2023

Spiritual maturity

I’ve heard many substitutions for “perfect”. Whole. Complete. Finished. But I heard one alternate translation about 10 years ago sitting in a religion class at

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February 2023

The woman with the past 

But who was this woman? Her circumstances weren’t all that great. Even in Samaria, she was likely an outcast. Living with a man she wasn’t

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February 2023

Not condemn, but save 

NO ONE likes hearing a list of everything they are doing wrong! As a teacher, “teacher evaluations” where an admin would just tell me everything

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